
Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Rohr's

Well yet another fun family outing w. no children
participation :)!!  (i didnt know i was gonna get
a work-out running after them.)  But in the long
run i think i "like" these shoots better.  It
gives me a chance to try to "catch" them
being lets me be totally creative,
and enjoy it!  and who wants to see yet another
family posed perfectly right!?  We all know
that, thats not life at this stage in our journey.
We, as parents seems to thrive in chaos!
Thanks Rohrs, for giving me this opportunity!
I loved to see your LOVE for each other!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I have a new found appreciation for newborn
photographers, well all photographers really!
Shooting fun candid shots of my kids
seems so simple and almost effortless...
but when you have a some-what time frame
and purpose behind a shoot, it's a different
story :)!  I guess the thing i love most about
photography, is creating a fun and creative
composition.  So in this shoot, (as with all
my shoots,) i tried to turn the simple obvious
things that we love in a newborn into a fun,
unique composition.

and ending with my favorite!
Thx Amy and Aaron